Therapeutic Massage
A therapeutic massage is a tailored massage experience with a mixture of Swedish, deep tissue, and trigger point therapy.
What is Therapeutic Massage?
Your therapeutic massage is customized to your preference, the pressure ranges from light to medium-firm to deep. I use long strokes, kneading, and gentle rocking to dissolve muscle tension, you’ll increase circulation & deepen your breath. My technique is a detailed experience for the whole body.
What are the Benefits of Therapeutic Massage?
- Can Help Strengthen the Body’s Immune System: Some might wonder how massage therapy benefits the immune system. Studies have indicated that regular massage sessions not only help reduce stress, but can also boost the immune system’s cytotoxic capacity (activity level of the body’s natural “killer cells”) and enhances the body’s ability to deliver nourishment. Much like regular exercise can keep the body fine-tuned, regular massage therapy can help keep the immune system strong and resilient.
- Improves Posture: Massage Therapy helps to relax tense body muscles through the use of pressure and long strokes along the body. During a massage knots in your musculature are worked out and able to release tension so they can go back to their natural state. When the muscles are not forced into a contracted state, they are not pulling down on your spine, allowing you to comfortably straighten your back into a healthy posture.
- Relieves fatigue and indirectly improves our energy levels: Studies have shown that massage therapy can reduce pain and fatigue both from illness and muscle use. Studies in the clinical setting have shown that massage reduced pain levels and improved function by analyzing qualitative data. Overall pain was reduced significantly and improvements in emotional well-being, relaxation, and ability to sleep were all associated with the reduction in pain. We have all experienced pain that interrupts our ability to focus and even sleep, and can understand how this results in feeling exhausted by the end of the day.